When the Stars Align
Very early on in my career I learnt the importance of organisational alignment. What is organisational alignment I hear you say? By dictionary definition, an organisation is a group of people with a particular purpose and, alignment is a position of agreement. So in very simplistic terms, organisational alignment is a group of people who have a common purpose and shared beliefs. A beautiful example of organisational alignment in sport is a rowing team. The rowers must stroke a the same pace, ensuring they pull in the same depth of water. The team members all know the game plan for success, follow the lead of the coxswain (who’s role is to execute the race strategy and keep the boat on course), understand their role and rely on the skills, technique and commitment of their team members while the race is on.
I want to challenge the current status quo by changing the perception of beauty, raising the importance of skin health, using real customers with real results in marketing and bringing out the inner friend in all of us who loves the skin they’re in.
At the core of organisational alignment is values. Values are our beliefs, principles, standards or qualities that you hold in high regard and they guide the way we live our lives and the decisions we make. Simon Sinek, a trained ethnographer, writer, consultant and public speaker talks about the power of Why – the purpose, cause or belief that drives every one of us. If everyone knew Why they do what they do and if everyone only did the things that inspired them – what an amazing place the world would be. Watch his Ted Talk “Start with the Why”, to learn about his Golden Circle of thinking, acting and communicating from the inside out. Principally his message is that people don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it and the goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe, not with anybody who needs what you have.
This not only applies to customers but also extends to suppliers and those you do business with – if beliefs and why you do what you do is aligned, a great partnership is formed.
Environ is one of Unique Laser’s core suppliers and I was delighted to learn of their credo “What we Believe“ and find myself having joined in a cult that espouses beautiful skin for a lifetime. Their credo aligns perfectly with my “why” – I believe as people we are often our own worst enemy and the “beauty industry” doesn’t do anything to help that. I want to challenge the current status quo by changing the perception of beauty, raising the importance of skin health, using real customers with real results in marketing and bringing out the inner friend in all of us who loves the skin they’re in. So if you also want beautiful skin for a lifetime call the clinic on 9882 2450 or make an online booking at unique-laser.com.au for a complimentary skin consultation and your personalised Environ prescription plan.